Looking for a job in the midst of a global crisis

By Jean Schaak

Posted on March 23, 2020

If you’re looking for a job in the midst of a global crisis, do not stop searching. Many companies are still looking for the right candidate as work will still be required especially once all this is over.

However, you will need to optimise your chances now and not get lost in all the noise surrounding the global crisis that is Covid-19. Using this downtime to improve yourself is already a big step forward in maximising your chances. We’ve put together some ideas on how you can improve your overall chances when looking for a job in the midst of a global crisis.

Looking for a job and getting hired in the midst of a global crisis

1. Do regular re-evaluations of your CV.

Update it and change it around depending on each job description and requirements. In this way, you’ll be highlighting what’s important to the employer for this particular position. It’s no use applying to 30 jobs when your CV is not catered for any. Highlight skills that are most relevant to each job you’re applying for. Summarising your background and relevance to the job you’re applying for through a cover letter will also help you stand out.

2. Read the job description.

See what skills are required and if you lack now’s the best time to practice! Reach out to people with the know-how and ask for help.

3. Supplement your income.

Look into finding a part-time job which you might have experience in, or even a part-time which adds more depth to your skill set – for example: part-time graphic design work. By the end of it, you’ll have more to add to your portfolio and some more experience.

4. Consider a career change.

Maybe you’ve fallen into a career which you have found isn’t what you expected or wanted out of your working life. Take this “break” as an opportunity to consider a career change. The best part is you can take online courses and practise the skills required to get ahead.  Use this time to research options, salaries and what the job is like.

Know a friend who’s looking for a job? Share this now.

covid-19 and the job market

This article is part of our ‘Covid-19 & the Job Market’ resource pack. View more here.