Choosing a Job Offer: Tips for Making the Best Choice

By Guest Contibutor

Posted on September 15, 2022

Job offers may come at a time in your job-hunting process when you may be in the enviable position of having to pick between two or three job offers. We understand that the task of choosing the right one can be daunting. You may need to choose quickly, as offers are often time-constrained but it needs to be the choice that you are truly satisfied with. Here are some tips to help steer you in the right direction.

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Trust your gut

Do you instantly feel positive about the role or do you have your doubts? How do you feel when you think about choosing one opportunity over the other and how would you feel if one of the offers was taken off the table? Relief or disappointment? These are all ways to gauge your true feelings about a role, but the strongest gut feeling will be an instant one, so try not to dwell on it for too long!

Give them a score

Superior to the pros and cons list, a scorecard with your own list of important attributes for a role will help you give an overall score for each offer. Some attributes could be: possibility of remote work, location, flexibility, compensation, opportunities over time, opportunities for personal development, alignment with your career path and so on. Each would have a scale of 1-3 which will help you accurately measure the score in the end. Understanding your priorities and values will give you a better understanding of what each job will offer and help you build your attribute list.

Why are you looking for a job?

Think about what got you to start looking for a new job in the first place. How will your on-the-job experience improve? Which company can offer a better experience that is more in line with your unique job needs? It is crucial that you understand what you are looking for in a job, as well as the things to avoid in a job.

How is your chemistry with the team?

The one thing that cannot be negotiated is the people around you at your job. How well did you get along with your would-be manager at the interview? Did you find them approachable? Remember that you were not the only one being interviewed –  you were also interviewing the company and the people. Make the people around you on the job a core aspect in your decision making process as they will have a direct impact on your day-to-day wellbeing.

Ask the right questions

Your job must align with your values. If flexibility is important to you, make sure it is an environment that supports that work arrangement. Ask if there are policies in place and what the company is doing to support flexibility. Knowing upfront will save you from any surprises that might come your way. Gauge the company’s values – if it is one that glorifies the “being busy, always on” culture and you’re looking to strike a work life balance, perhaps that job is not the one you want.

Ask yourself the tough questions

Think about the difference you will make in the organisation. How will you improve it in a way that gives you pride and satisfaction in your role? What skills will you gain and improve on? These are all factors that will make you feel more fulfilled and happy in both your work and personal life. After all, you will spend a large chunk of your waking hours at work.

Bonus: Is it exciting?

If the opportunity excites you, there is no use worrying too much about the fine print and the extra benefit here and there. If the opportunity is not attractive to you, the chances of succeeding at it will be pretty slim. Understand what makes you happy, and do it!