Hybrid Working: A Must or a Perk?

In a recent poll which we put out on our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin), a whopping 92.7% answered yes to “Is the option of hybrid working a must?”. This seems to be the general sentiment as in a survey commissioned by Breeze, 65% Americans said they would rather take a pay cut…


Ten years Simplifying Recruitment

There are celebrations this week at the Keepmeposted offices. Keepmeposted has turned ten! Ten years bringing employers and jobseekers together! During these ten years, Keepmeposted filled an important niche in the Maltese employment market and has gone from strength to strength. This job platform has not only witnessed the changes in the recruitment process, but…


The Right Way to Quit your Job

What’s the best way to quit your job? There isn’t one good way, but as many would advise - it’s best not to burn any bridges. Even if you hate your job, or you can’t wait to start your new position, handing in your notice is never easy. The goal is to resign as tactfully,…


Perks vs Values at Work

What do you look for when job seeking? How much importance is given to the company's values? Or is it the perks and comforts that the company offers that makes the job attractive to you? It's not a radical statement. Whether employed full or part time, people work between 20 to 40 hours a week,…


5 Signs it’s Time to Move on

It’s all about that Sunday evening feeling. Work is work - that much is true, but if the feeling of facing another day in the same job is one of dread and trepidation, this is perhaps the most clear indicator that it’s time to move on. Having said that, it may also be about giving…


Dos & Don’ts when asking for a Raise

Asking for a raise - one of those dreaded, awkward moments, isn't it? So many of us have no problem at all negotiating the best deals for our clients and yet, when it comes to negotiating for ourselves, we're not so confident. Imposter syndrome kicks in as do the questions. Do we really deserve it?…


KMP Polls: The findings so far!

The pandemic has affected pretty much everyone's working life, even forcing many to rethink their career. In the last couple of months Keepmeposted put a few polls out there to see what the general feeling about work and the workplace is. Each poll was conducted across three platforms: Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram. Here are the…


Questions you should ask in an Interview

Are you all ready and prepared for your interview? Research? Check; outfit? Check; answers? Rehearsed; questions?... What? Oh, I'll just see if I have any once I'm there. This is the part that many interviewees consider to be the least important. But acing an interview is not simply about giving the right answers but also…


5 Ways to Ace that Interview

Congratulations, your CV efforts have paid off and you got to the interview stage! A big chunk of the competition is out of the way, but this is not the time to get over-confident and relax. It's time to step up your game. Keep in mind that the candidates you are competing with now are…


The Why and How on Cover Letter Writing

To write or not to write? Writing your cover letter is probably one of the most dreaded parts of the job search process. You've just finished updating your CV, quite a task in itself - do you really need to write a cover letter? The reason many of us feel like this is that the…


Easy Ways to Refresh your CV

Be Prepared When was the last time you looked at your CV? Most of us forget about it once we are comfortably employed and only a very few keep it updated. The truth is that the past year has seen a lot of change and has sent many to dig up their CV as they…


Getting Started – Writing your First CV.

Your CV is your first chance to stand out Writing your CV is the first step in the transition from school into the working world. It's not an easy transition. As poet E.E. Cummings said, growing up and becoming the person you always thought you could be, takes courage. I'd go a step further than…


Why taking time off is still important when working remotely.

Flexibility Many of us are working remotely, and have been for a while. Usually, the possibility of working remotely is a welcome perk in our jobs as it offers flexibility and does away with any micro-managing. In this case though, flexibility can be a bit of a double-edged sword. Possibly because 'flexibility' isn't all that…


5 Major Advantages of Cross-Skilling

All hands on deck! Cross-skilling, or cross-training as you may prefer to call it, is an excellent investment to make in your team. An investment from which you reap huge benefits and which is especially advantageous in times of crisis. It is a surefire way to get all hands on deck when necessary. It creates…


Changing Career Path

Switching fields is no easy decision Not so long ago getting a job for life was a great accomplishment and the idea of changing career path was almost unthinkable. Today, research says, that people change jobs between 5 - 7 times in their lifetime, but changing field is less common as it is harder, can…


Are We Happy at Work?

When people are happy at work, productivity increases. As Steve Jobs stated ‘the only way to do great work is to love what you do’. I have no doubt that most of us would agree with him, yet how many of us actually love what we do? How many of us get out of bed…


5 steps towards a Greener Workplace

The future of the workplace is green. Environment and CSR are high on the list of priorities for top organisations’, and outdated workspaces are being transformed into sustainable environments that benefit employees and business itself. Turning your office into a greener workplace is easier to implement than most of you might think, and the first…


Writing a CV that stands out

Doubtlessly, the first step one should undertake when beginning their job hunt is to prepare their CV. It is probable that for a single application, employers receive hundreds of CVs. How can you make it stand out? In this article, we'll be outlining the basics of writing a CV, as well as some tips to…


Finding the perfect job for you

Looking for a job is not all straightforward and can be overwhelming. Finding the perfect job is in another job-hunting league of its own. Some would say it's a unicorn, in fact. However, if you break it down it should get easier by time and help you rule out sending applications to jobs you are…


Remote interviews today

As many aspects of our working lives have changed, many employees have set up an office at home and are working remotely, meetings are being conducted remotely and of course, interviews have gone the same way. Already stressful at the best of times, interviewees now have another factor to contend with: the dreaded camera. Possibly,…


Dealing with a job rejection

Any job hunt usually involves a long and tiring process. You may feel discouraged and fatigue may kick in and a job rejection can easily disappoint you, especially if it's a job you really wanted. You may get lucky and find yourself a job within weeks, but the reality is that many don't. There are…