What is the new Pay Transparency Directive?

You might have heard about the EU Pay Transparency Directive, which comes into force in 2024. Lack of pay transparency was identified as a key obstacle in implementing equal pay for all across the EU. This Directive aims to rectify this and was proposed back in March 2021. More than a year later on December…


Networking for Introverts

As an introvert, you may feel like networking isn't for you. You might have given up on it, or you brave it out, putting the "confident" face on and likely burning out by the end of a social event. The reality is that introverts recharge differently. It's not that they're shy, or that they hate…


6 Networking TED Talks to Watch

Networking is a required social skill for career success, but it may not come as naturally for everyone. Here are a few TED Talks that provide some helpful networking tips, whether you're just starting out in the job market or a veteran in your industry. 10 ways to have a better conversation by Celeste Headlee…


5 Websites for Free (or Inexpensive) Online Courses

One way to power up your career is through: you guessed it, SKILLING-UP! Did you know there are a number of websites that offer free courses, for you to get informed knowledge on a set of skills or discover new interests. Here are our top 5 picks. 1. Coursera For University-level and Ivy-League-backed courses, this…


Power up your career: Taking on the year and coming out stronger

Starting a new year can feel like starting a fresh, new, clean slate. It can also make us take stock of our accomplishments in the previous year and can make us take an introspective look and see what requires improvements. Indeed, our accomplishments, (or lack thereof) can often motivate us to do better and be…


5 ways to start off your week right

With a new week comes a fresh start. The weekend allows you to decompress and unwind. For some, the weekend may also be about catching up with and juggling home life, chores, and an array of other responsibilities. If you're prone to the latter, preparing for Monday on Friday, will definitely help you feel less…


The Fresh Start Effect

People tend to look for new opportunities in the new year, with researchers dubbing it the Fresh Start Effect. This is why it happens. It's that time of year. People promise themselves many things, often in the form of "new year resolutions" - to exercise more, to eat better, to seize the day, to stop…


Public Holidays in 2023

Start marking your calendars because these are the official public holidays of 2023. This time of year, many may be planning their trips abroad and long weekends as a way to beat the January blues and acing a work-life balance. Without further ado, here they are: Date Day Holiday 1 Jan Sun New Year's Day…


Keepmeposted Christmas Gifts

At Keepmeposted, we post around a thousand jobs a month. Given Christmas is upon us, we would love to somehow give back to the community, and we thought, why not contribute to the Lovin Milied Challenge - the KMP way! This means that from now until the 20th of December, for every job posted on…


How Every Maltese Office Can Help This Christmas

Christmas is a time for giving. There is collective power in offices that is often underutilised. One person can make a difference, let alone the force of a whole group of people. Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to show some Corporate Social Responsibility and really make a difference.  Here are some ideas of how your…


Christmas shutdown: 2 out of 3 in Malta like it.

A recent Keepmeposted survey has shown that people in Malta want a Christmas shutdown and would take days off anyway during this period. In this article, we’ll be delving deeper into this statistic. Whilst this remains true for the overall majority, this does not remain a strong majority for the younger cohort of respondents, of…


The Christmas Staff parties: 57% of workers in Malta like them.

Christmas staff parties: love them or hate them? They sure make for some great next-day water-cooler chatter. Perhaps, Sandra’s, from Accounts, awesome karaoke singing debut got you talking, or it was the (slightly) inappropriate Secret Santa gifts, or discovering Michael from IT makes the most delicious gingerbread cookies. There’s always something to be said about…


Most people in Malta say they don’t mind working the holidays

You’d be forgiven if you think that, in Malta, everyone celebrates Christmas one way or another. Perhaps through a staff party, a gathering of friends, or a family event. In fact, in our recent Keepmeposted survey, we asked workers in Malta. The exact portion of people in Malta who celebrate Christmas is 72%. This means…


How often do workers in Malta expect a raise?

How common is it for local workers to ask for a pay raise and how often do they expect a raise? A recent Keepmeposted survey asked workers in Malta. The majority of respondents (56%) have asked for a raise - and this trend is consistent across genders, age groups and career levels. It seems to…


Most People Say They Won’t Quit If They Don’t Get The Raise They Want

Would you leave your job if you didn’t get the pay raise you’ve been angling for? According to our latest survey, the vast majority of employees in Malta would not. When asked if they would leave their job, the majority (63.9%) said no, while 32% said yes and 4% said they don’t know. Men are…


Get A Raise Or Work From Home? We Asked People In Malta To Choose

Would you rather get a raise or be allowed to work from home? In Keepmeposted’s recent survey on salary raises, we asked this question and discovered that the overwhelming majority (73%) of workers in Malta aged 18-75 would choose a pay raise over the opportunity to work from home. The result seems to contradict other…


It’s Official: Most People Who Ask For A Raise In Malta Get One

Getting a raise might not be as difficult as some believe. Turns out the main thing you need to do is get the confidence to actually demand one. According to Keepmeposted’s recent survey about salary raises, two-thirds of workers in Malta who asked for a raise were successful, even if they weren’t all happy with…


Designing A Successful Job Search Plan

Searching for a job can be a full-time effort in itself, that’s why planning your time and managing your process is necessary. Job hunting can be a stress-inducing endeavour, so strategically planning it will save you a lot of hassle and unnecessary pain. Determining what you want out of this job search and working towards…


Choosing a Job Offer: Tips for Making the Best Choice

Job offers may come at a time in your job-hunting process when you may be in the enviable position of having to pick between two or three job offers. We understand that the task of choosing the right one can be daunting. You may need to choose quickly, as offers are often time-constrained but it…


Reducing stress at the workplace

Workplace stress has a psychological, as well as physical impact on your employees. Whilst feeling under pressure at times is normal, it can become excessive and work-related stress. This can quickly become one of the most daunting obstacles. One must keep in mind that different people have different ways of dealing with stress, as well…


How to score the best summer jobs

A summer job is not only a way to get extra income, but it also boosts your CV, expands your skill set and may even enlighten you on the career path you want to take (or avoid...). The best summer jobs will teach you teamwork, provide you with professional experience within a workplace and how…