4 Hidden Difficulties of Working from Home

Working from home has long been considered the peak of businesses-related achievements, shortly beneath raises and a corner office in terms of bragging rights. People who work from home get to structure their day around their normal work routine, and they’re not staggering into the house at some hour past 6PM to cook a ready…


Five Leadership Skills You Graduate With

Let's take a look at Leadership Skills you graduate with. It’s all fun and games until the buscade ends. Right until that moment, the reality of graduation hasn’t really settled in: it’s something that doesn’t seem possible, after three years of living a 9-5 routine of studying, coffee, more studying, more coffee. Then - once…


Benefits of Seasonal Work in Malta

Seasonal work in Malta is practically designed for university students. Everyone knows that university students have it tough: the endless assignments, the short deadlines, and the expenses can all add up to make the ‘best years of your life’ feel like an uphill battle. Add in the rising cost of living, and the meagre amount…


How to Know it’s Time to Terminate an Employee

When you’re at the helm of a business, you should continually be on the lookout for the best interest of your company. At times, your workforce may seem to be debilitated and unfortunately, the origins of dysfunction could be one of your own team members. As you might develop emotional ties towards specific employees -…


The Dos and Don’ts of Wage Negotiation

Negotiating for an increase in wage is outright naggy, right? Wrong! Over half the typical population will shrink away from asking for a pay-increase for fear of being perceived negatively by their superiors. The average employee will work at their 9-to-5 for a number of years and resign from their position before mustering up the…


Soft Skills – the Key to Standing out

If you’re out of a job, or looking to ace that one promotion you applied for a few weeks back, you’re probably attempting to better your resume to earn a shot at standing out from the crowd. The average Joes will focus their efforts on listing all their qualifications and merits; these are the hard…


What Makes a Great Leader in 2018?

Millennials have joined the workforce with a completely different mindset to the generations before them. They are often looked at negatively, being called 'entitled', 'spoilt' and the ‘me me me’ generation. This is not new; older generations have always looked at the generation after them as worse off than they were. Regardless of your opinion…


What Not to Do in a Job Interview

Interviews can be stressful. We've already detailed helpful tips for giving a world-class interview, but this time we'll be guiding you through what not to do when you're in that interviewing seat. These are the biggest 'dont's' of the interviewing process: Show up late Don't show up an hour early, but keep the time in…


How to Prepare for a Job Interview

First and foremost, well done! If you're preparing for a job interview, then you've been shortlisted as a serious candidate for the position. Here are some tips to help you get over the final hurdle: the face-to-face interview. This is usually the stage where nerves and doubts skyrocket, and while this is perfectly normal, don't…


How to Write a Good CV

Your CV is the first impression a company gets of you, and it needs to make an impact. That's a lot to ask for a single document, and figuring out what to include, what to leave out, and how to structure it is difficult for any candidate. Fortunately, recruiters and hiring managers understand that a…


How to Handle Stress before a Job Interview

Job interviews are scary: there, we said it. Sitting down and marketing yourself to a company is a nerve-wracking experience, potholed with little fears: fear of failure, fear of stuttering, fear of saying the wrong thing, fear of saying too much, fear of saying nothing - the 'what ifs' are endless, and can paralyse you…


How to Bring your A-Game to Work

In an ideal world, we would bring our ‘A-Game’ to work 100% of the time. We would be motivated, efficient, energised and engaged every day, all day. However, although we can aim for that daily, and work extremely hard to perform at our best most of the time, there are days where it is just…