Working Trends in 2022

What working trends is the world facing in 2022? 2021 has seen what is being dubbed as The Great Re-evaluation, or Resignation, which has seen companies responding in a variety of ways. Companies have also had to re-evaluate their working arrangements and you’ve also probably heard murmurs of the possibility and feasibility of the four-day…


Live to Work, or Work to Live? Balancing Work and Life.

Achieving the right work-life balance can often be seen as a myth. Balancing the professional with the personal can definitely be a challenging feat. It does not help that society constantly feeds us the ‘busy’ bug that praises productivity above all else. Fortunately, we are realising the importance of a work-life balance. A balance which…


What makes a good leader?

It is often said that, in many cases, people don't leave a job, they leave a boss. This in itself highlights the huge responsibility that comes along with being the leader of an organisation or team. Some might think that becoming a leader or manager is the end game, where all the hard work they've…


Perks that work and increase job satisfaction.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that job satisfaction = employee retention. Everybody knows that - it's an easy  equation. The harder part is: x = job satisfaction, find x. Job satisfaction doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. In fact, it's pretty subjective and depends very much on the individual's lifestyle and priorities. So 'x'…


6 Things to Consider when Transitioning to a Hybrid Workplace

In one of our recent polls respondents were clear that they expect the possibility of hybrid working to be on offer from hereon. The past year has shown us that whilst remote working and never setting foot in the office might not be conducive to team spirit at work, hybrid work offers a nice balance…


4 Significant Ways to Support Pink October at Work

Pink October - many of us wear the pink t-shirt, bake the pink cupcake... but how many of us truly stop to think what that pink ribbon really means? That pretty, pink ribbon symbolises a reality much darker than its colour. It's a symbol of loss and victory, of hardship and bravery, of grief and…


The 4 Day Week: Can it work?

*updated 03.02.22 We’ve heard legends and myths of the unicorn that is the four day working week here and there… but the possibility of it happening often seemed foreign and improbable... The Four Day Week... Dare we even entertain the notion of this possibility? Well, some might be happy to hear that it truly seems…


Hybrid Working: A Must or a Perk?

In a recent poll which we put out on our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin), a whopping 92.7% answered yes to “Is the option of hybrid working a must?”. This seems to be the general sentiment as in a survey commissioned by Breeze, 65% Americans said they would rather take a pay cut…


Ten years Simplifying Recruitment

There are celebrations this week at the Keepmeposted offices. Keepmeposted has turned ten! Ten years bringing employers and jobseekers together! During these ten years, Keepmeposted filled an important niche in the Maltese employment market and has gone from strength to strength. This job platform has not only witnessed the changes in the recruitment process, but…


Why respect is essential in the hiring process

Of course respect is always a must and is certainly not particular to the hiring process, yet it is surprisingly lacking in this environment. Perhaps it's easier to forget about it when you're not dealing with someone face-to-face? Or simply when you believe that this is an accepted, and expected, way of doing things. It's…


Supporting Diversity in the Workplace

With June being Pride Month, it's only natural that one of our articles be dedicated to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Diversity and inclusion are not just the words of the hour and are definitely more than just a trend, but what do they really mean and how can we truly implement this culture…


KMP Polls: The findings so far!

The pandemic has affected pretty much everyone's working life, even forcing many to rethink their career. In the last couple of months Keepmeposted put a few polls out there to see what the general feeling about work and the workplace is. Each poll was conducted across three platforms: Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram. Here are the…


Rejection Letters: Why they matter more than you think

As a hiring manager, once you find the right person for the role, the hardest part is done, isn't it? You've gone through practically hundreds of CVs and sat through several interviews. You've deliberated, discussed...and decided! You found the One. But hang on, there's one last bit. The bit that is often seen as tedious,…


Tips for Writing an Effective Job Description

The job description is quite literally an advert for your company to attract the right talent. It can, in fact it should, give insight to your company culture as well as the role requirements, yet too often it is not given the attention or importance it deserves. At worst, it's just a paragraph detailing what…


Top 10 Interview Questions to ask Candidates

Candidates might think that the hiring manager got the easy part of the deal in an interview. However, conducting interviews which are effective is not that simple, and the responsibility is significant. Optimising the time during the interview is key to ensure you get all the information you can. Interviews in fact take a lot…


5 Major Advantages of Cross-Skilling

All hands on deck! Cross-skilling, or cross-training as you may prefer to call it, is an excellent investment to make in your team. An investment from which you reap huge benefits and which is especially advantageous in times of crisis. It is a surefire way to get all hands on deck when necessary. It creates…


Women and Recruitment

How can we ensure our recruitment processes do not impact women negatively? #ChooseToChallenge – International Women’s Day 2021 - Recruitment. Believe it or not, often in an interview, female candidates are still asked a series of questions aimed at discovering whether they are married or have kids. Or if they are thinking of having kids.…


Attitude not Skills

It’s all about attitude There is a Simon Sinek quote currently doing the rounds that states, ‘You don’t hire for skills; you hire for attitude. You can always teach skills.’ It has been shared thousands of times and many have left comments beneath fully agreeing with his statement. I too fully agree with it yet…


6 Ways to (truly) Boost Wellbeing at Work

Wellbeing at work is at an all-time high. The benefits (to the business too) are endless and it's much more than the latest trend - it's an excellent business strategy. This bandwagon is definitely worth jumping onto. In fact, various research over the years has concluded that a healthy workforce is a happy workforce and…


5 steps towards a Greener Workplace

The future of the workplace is green. Environment and CSR are high on the list of priorities for top organisations’, and outdated workspaces are being transformed into sustainable environments that benefit employees and business itself. Turning your office into a greener workplace is easier to implement than most of you might think, and the first…


Keeping your team connected remotely

As informal, impromptu opportunities to engage with our colleagues are not possible when working remotely we can find it harder to break barriers with our colleagues and engage with them more. It is common knowledge, with research to back it, that workers who have work friends are more engaged, are better performers, and are happier…